Our philosophy is contained in one word:
PASSION for hospitality and the services we offer to every customer,
PASSION for the careful selection of natural local ingredients,
PASSION in the selection of our cellar made up of big and small national producers,
PASSION that has allowed us over the years to build a close-knit and consistent staff that has embraced our way of catering.

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We have been working for over 30 years
with the passion of the first day

the Staff of Ristoro
The Ristoro staff represents its beating heart. It was formed over the years by Paolo and Filippo and made up of people who have believed in their project, making it a reference point for wine and food in Chianti.

The Chef Ettore De Benedetto
Ettore's cuisine is the meeting point between innovation and tradition, simplicity and refinement that merge in his dishes into a single sensation, the emotion.

la Cantina selezionato con cura
Our Cellar offers the opportunity to taste wines from all the farms in the Lamole area and many others of the nearby municipalities of the Chianti Classico area.
Since 1993 in Lamole
through kindness,
a quality cuisine
Paolo and Filippo have managed to make Lamole a must for all the fans of “well-being”.
Our paths crossed in 1993 when we both fell in love with Lamole, its colours, its sunsets, its vineyards embracing the restaurant.
From that moment on, our goal has been to introduce Lamole through kindness, cuisine made with top quality ingredients and a cellar that could satisfy all types of tastes.
It has been a success built brick by brick with the reliability and professionalism that have always distinguished us along our path.
Today, after 30 years of career, the magic of this place still fascinates us like the first time.
In 2019 Marta, Paolo’s daughter, joined the company, bringing new energy and ideas.

A selection of our menu,
dishes always available à la carte

Lo Sformatino di Cipolle Rosse e Tartufo fresco delizia i nostri clienti da quasi trent’anni, un equilibrio perfetto di sapori dove la cipolla rossa e il tartufo regalano sensazioni che stupiscono, assaggio dopo assaggio, senza mai stancare.
Il Carpaccio di Manzo , prodotto con carni locali selezionate è marinato in sale grosso, agrumi e spezie nelle nostre cucine, servito con condimenti a seconda della disponibilità stagionale, dal Classico Rucola e parmigiano, ai carciofi sbollentati o al Tartufo.
l’Antipasto tradizionale del Chianti è una selezione in grado di soddisfare anche i palati più esigenti, una ricca selezione che spazia da Affettati e Formaggi locali, fino a i tradizionale Crostini di Fegatino e verdure Artigianali sott’olio.

Un classico abbinamento di sapori toscani rinchiuso in un Raviolo di Pasta fatta in Casa che ne esalta la fragranza, un piatto delicato, dove la pera fresca usata nel ripieno regala sensazioni di elegante dolcezza.
Un piatto che gioca con i sapori e le consistenze e racchiude tutta la ricchezza del nostro territorio, il Fungo Porcino è esaltato dall’aromaticità del Tartufo Fresco, con del Parmigiano in Gratinatura che rende il morso croccante e gustoso, il tutto arricchito da scaglie di Tartufo fresco in abbondanza.
Per gli amanti dei sapori forti proponiamo del Ragù di Cinghiale proposto nella sua veste più tradizionale, marinato e poi cotto con Bacche di Ginepro, e servito con delle Tagliatella rigorosamente fatte in casa con farine speciali che ne esaltano il sapore e la fragranza.

La Bistecca che viene cotta sulle nostre griglie proviene rigorosamente da Carni locali selezionate dalla Macelleria “Casa Ceccatelli”, nostri Macellai di fiducia da oltre 25 anni, una carne morbida e saporita che grazie alla nostra esperienza nel Cucinarla vi darà soddisfazione fino all’ultimo boccone.
Nel nostro Menu troverete anche un’ampia selezione di altri tipi di carne che variano a seconda della disponibilità del nostro Macellaio, alcune volte lavorate e cucinate seguendo la tradizione mentre altre con visione più innovativa e cotture speciali volte alla ricerca di sapori e aromi unici.
Conviviality at the table
with a breathtaking view

The Ristoro offers the opportunity to enjoy our wonderful view during your meals
The Lamole hill rises in the hilly area above Greve in Chianti, protected by Mount San Michele to the west, it gives us one of the most representative views of our territory. From our hill you can even see the famous Towers of San Gimignano.
Besides the view, the beauty of this area lies in the wonderful vineyards, many of which are still cultivated with the “Alberello Lamolese” technique, an ancient form of cultivation that the producers have never intended to abandon.
Always a wine and oil production area, in the last twenty years, the winemakers of Lamole have bet everything on quality and selection in the vineyard to produce territorial wines, recognizable in the glass.
The reputation of Lamole wines goes far back in time, as we can understand from the writings of Emanuele Repetti (1800), who describes the wine of Lamole as follows: “Good wine of Lamole, praised countryside”.
In 2018 Lamole was declared “Historical Heritage of Italy”, an important recognition for its inhabitants and their families, who have been taking care of this enchanted hill for generations.

Excellent cuisine and great wines on the Chianti terrace
Lamole is a small village on the slopes of Monte San Michele. From the top of our hill, vines, olive trees and irises observe the Chianti Classico, a territory that tells us about the resilience of its inhabitants, producers of wine and oil for many generations.
Over the years, Paolo and Filippo have accompanied the producers of Lamole by telling their stories, features and visions that have brought Lamole to be one of the most important areas of the Chianti Classico.
The Ristoro offers the opportunity to enjoy our wonderful view during your meals by reserving a table on the “TERRACE”, the real Star of the restaurant, or in the “GARDEN” smaller in size but equally typical, with its American vine pergola that makes it the perfect setting for moments of total relaxation.
The Cantina del Ristoro is the result of a 30-year selection, a pulsating soul always willing to grow and renew itself.
A careful selection focused on the searching for companies that represent a territory and tell an experience, a story that will take you for a walk around the Italian boot, introducing you to the most interesting wine makers of our territory.
Our Cuisine offers the opportunity to taste traditional dishes, but also dishes “created” by our Chef Ettore de Benedetto, an essential figure of our restaurant, who, through his passion and cooking knowledge, makes our menu an intriguing and never banal sensory experience, thanks to the careful selection of local products and trusted collaborators, resulting from his long journey at the Ristoro di Lamole.
via di Lamole 6
50022 Greve in Chianti
Firenze – Toscana
Opening hours
from March to November we are open every daya pranzo e cena
at Lunch
1200am – 300pm
at Dinner
700am – 1000pm